Monday, November 30, 2009
What is the art saying to the viewer? Or just make it up!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
I remember reading “The Interlopers”. I liked this book because the author kept it interesting and he gave a lot of details. An example of this is when they were standing under the big tree and it fell down. I kept reading because I wanted to know what happened to them. I wanted to make sure that the character I liked (I can’t remember his name right now) didn’t get hurt.
What's Your Business - Response
When the gang came after his family, Eastwood helped them. He didn’t have to but he knew it was the right thing to do. He didn’t want the neighborhood living in fear of these punk kids. He wouldn’t let them take over the neighborhood. In the end, Eastwood died when the gang kids shot him. He got shot on purpose so that these kids would be put into jail and the neighborhood would be saved.
If more people cared and took care of each other then the gangs couldn’t take over. People wouldn’t be scared to stick up for themselves because they would know that other people would be there to back them.
Free Choice
The tires would be street legal slicks mounted on 17” heavy duty chrome wheels for the rear tires. The fronts would be the same only they’d be on 15” wheels so that the back end would be slightly higher than the front.
The motor would be a 454 V-8 big block engine with 2 super chargers. It would crank out 500 horsepower and go from 0 mph to 60 mph in 9 seconds flat. I would have a magna-flow exhaust system installed to add more horsepower and to make it sound great when driving around town.
The first place I’d drive my dream car to is my Uncle Tom’s house. He’s a mechanic who loves classic cars. We’d have a blast checking it all out and taking out for a test drive!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
My free choice
My sister Amanda and I have birthdays three days apart and we normally have a birthday party together it been like that since we where younger. We got a hang on blowing out the candle at the same time and we now have a system on how we open presents. I have to say the present part is my favorite it like seeing everything. I don’t know what I want though and every one is asking and I am no help to them because I am unsure. I know I want a Pandora bracelet but my mom is getting me that I already know.
I like that my cousins from Virginia and are going to stay at my house for thanksgiving which I like but it stinks cause I have to give up my room and sleep in my sisters room. But I am okay with it because her bed is really comfy anyway. We all have a tradition all the slyers do the troy turkey trot together the morning of thanksgiving, last year we made T- shirts, I don’t think we are making t-shirts this year though.
arttt is primme
The amazing flower
In the flooding season their house is always in risk of being damaged by the red river. This year her parents decided that they wanted to get away from the river and lived in a little house in a new neighborhood a couple miles away. Rosalinda did not want to leave the river, but she new that she had to because her parents have already made up their mind. The morning that they planned to leave Rosalinda went down to the river one last time, and when she went down, their was a beautiful flower on the shore bed and it was the same colors as the river, the reds, oranges, and yellows in the flower looked like the flower grew out of the water. Rosalinda took the flower to always remember the river and all of the mornings she has spent.
My picture is very creative. My artist is very funny but at the same time very risky. I injoyed his masterpiece.
Cars and cars were turning onto his road at night with their lights on and every night he would wake up and get no sleep. So the next day he goes and get he cat fired for sleeping on the job. So he made this artpiece so before the cars got to his street they will stare at the art and go past the road. That night after the art peice he got a good night sleep. That morning he woke up and his car got taken away. But he called his car insurence and they gave him a million dollor car for the miss understanding. Then he went past his work to go pick up his dog and his ex boss saw him and hired him back. The END.
Child Labor
My photo:
The piece of art I am responding to is “Crazy Stairs” by MC Escher. Escher is probably my favorite artist because I like his style of dream-like images. “Crazy Stairs” is a lithograph made in 1953. There are so many things going on in the picture, it boggles your mind. Pretty much, there are a bunch of stair cases in the picture, and they are all going in different directions. There are stairs facing upward, and stairs that are upside down. The other thing in the picture is a human figure that is scattered randomly throughout the picture much like the stairs. The thing about this figure though is that it is sulking about in a monotonous manner. To me, I think the person is depressed, and is going through a never-ending pattern (significance of the stairs). My thoughts on why the stairs and the person are placed in the most obscure fashion is that there are so many things going on in that persons life that everything builds up, and he cant comprehend anything. The only thing he can do is think of everything as being crazy, and that his life is spiraling out of control. I think there can be two different moods of this picture. First, it could be implying a happy mood because the stairs are bouncing all over the place in a fun way. The picture could also give off a sad or lethargic vibe because of the boredom of the mysterious figure.
Feast of Herod
what is the art saying to the viewer?
I believe the artist is trying to show us a mother – daughter relationship. Like, the special bond that they share. That it is a beautiful thing. I think this because the painting is very bright and has a happy feeling to it. The setting contributes to the painting’s mother –daughter relationship. This is because the young women and child are in a secluded area. The fact that they are alone in the painting, I think intensifies there relationship.
This painting I believe could be for any audience. It’s a painting open for interpretation. Like, it does not clearly state certain emotions. Each audience will probably have their own view and ideas about what they think this painting represents. The younger the audience the less analyzed the interpretation would be.
what is the art work saying to a viewer?
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
free choice
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
READ the post.
At this the end of the first marking period, I want you think about what you earned and why. Honestly, I found a lot of slacking in some of you. I also found several people took advantage of me, didn't do full assignments and blamed me, but didn't make it up. I found many students missed deadlines and then just put papers on my desk, no apologies or explanations. And even more disappointing actions.
I am hoping that this second quarter you all step up your game and show more strength of character and more respect for me, as well as yourself.
So now onto the questions part of this is blog. Free choice. Write about anything you want. A news event. An event in your life. An upcoming event (Thanksgiving, birthday--Happy birthday Casey! etc) You may also write something creating, descriptive.
Take this seriously. Your responses should be written in a word document and pasted in...check your word count. You should be at least 100. More for higher grade possibilities.
Enjoy your weekend.
V. Gaboury
Friday, November 13, 2009
~Gabrielle Evon Marriner<3
read the post
Zach Winters
I am looking forward to get together with my large extended family for Thanksgiving this year but around now i start missing soccer. Since fall soccer has just ended and indoor won't start until January I am extremely bored at my house. I know that between this time I'm going to gain weight since I usually lose weight from fall soccer then regain it just a couple months after. This drastically effects my play because my weak point has always been my endurance when it comes to running and gaining wait will only make it worse. I sometimes run on the treadmil but I can't wait for indoor soccer to start because I get to hang out with my friends while playing the sport I love.
My extended family on my mt to see on my moters side is pretty large. At Thanksgiving dinner I get to see all my cousins, aunts, and uncles who I only get to see about three or four times a year. With the large amount of cousins of all ages we usually get a fun game of tag or something else fun for everyone. Thanksgiving is special for me because I get to see all my cousins.
This quarter
This quarter.
This quarter.
Follow Your Conscience
I think that as a planet, we need to step together and watch each others back. In today’s time, no one trusts anyone else. I know people are protective but we need to trust each other to make this thing work. I would think that this whole eco-friendly thing about “going green” would help everyone come together more! I mean it’s starting to join us together under a common interest to make this world healthier and last us longer.
I’m getting off topic here, but anyways, I am generally saying that we need to stand up for others. We can’t be afraid to speak up against something. Many times people are just too scared to speak up, and they could be right! For example my friend was afraid to speak up in chemistry class, and the one time they decided to, they were correct! The same thing can go for in justice around the world. We need to help each other out because none of us can do it alone. Everyone needs help just admit it. And with the limited amount of time we have in this world, I would want the most help I can receive. If you see a situation, simply put yourself in as the person being treated badly. That hopefully should be all the advice you need.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
What's your business?
In the book Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, Clarisse discusses with Montag how desensitized young people have become, how the race cars with total disregard for others, kill one another etc.
Is what Bradbury wrote about happening? What is our responsibility toward one another? Should we be 'our brother's keeper'? Should we take care of one another, even people we don't personally know? Should we get involved in other people's business? Why don't we? Have you ever stepped in the middle of some injustice you saw happening? Have you ever spoken up for a group of people you may not belong to, but felt were injuriously being maligned? How do you feel when you speak up for someone? How do you feel when you don't? What injustice gets you riled? If you don't have a personal experience to recall, can you think of a movie, song, news event where someone stood up against others, became more than a bystander to an injustice witnessed and became a person of action?
Be sure to write this in word, save it to your file, post and check to make sure it posted.
Enjoy your weekend.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Short Stories..
Friday, November 6, 2009
people today....
short story/ nano,gano
I am not doing nano or gano. I dont have enough time in my day to right 50,000 words or 8,000 words. I would have chosen to do this if i had more time. It is a good way to get writers to write without stopping and editing.
The problem is, we don’t have manners anymore. These days our cultures have no morals, values, standards, or respect. Nobody cares. Everyone is selfish and worries only about themselves and what happens in their own lives and are perfectly fine with sitting back and watching bad things happen. When it comes to violence, other people’s business is our business. We should get involved but it’s embarrassing. No one wants to be seen helping another person.
I do defend people when they are being talked about. I respect how everyone is different, but other people cannot accept that fact. If some one has a hobby others don’t like, they make fun of them. I haven’t the slightest idea why. Whatever I'm done with this.
I honestly don’t know what bothers me more the fact that it happened or the fact that people stood there and watched. I must say I’m one who cares about people and tries to look out for certain people and I just can’t believe that no one even gotten help. I wonder if they regret not getting help now, if they wonder “hmm maybe if I did something about this, that person wouldn’t be so hurt..” I also wonder if the people who actually did it regret doing it. Do they have any feeling or guilt. How could you not? I guess some people just really don’t care and maybe that’s what bugs me the most.
I believe that if we see someone being treated unfairly, even if it’s not being beaten, but just teased, you should help them. I guess you could call me a humanitarian. I don’t care what you being put down, shoved into a wall, teased. And I always want to do something about it. But I’m not sure what I can do, until later, then I have so many “I could have done this, said this” thoughts, I feel sick with guilt. It might be because I used to be one of the kids who was teased a lot in elementary and middle school, who didn’t have many friends, or was friends with the more outspoken weirdoes. No one really stood up for us.
That doesn’t mean you should never get involved, it means you should be more conscientious about what’s happening to others, good or bad. We don’t get involved, I think, because we think something bad will happen to us too. Stand up to a bully, get teased and pushed around your self. It’s sad that we think like this. Admit it, we do. We all do. It scares that this is a world where kids, adults, are blurring that line between moral, and immoral, right and wrong, more so than it used to be. Some people think that it is okay not to do anything…at all in some cases, because this is what they see in the media, and around them. Maybe you just can’t stand this kid that’s being picked on, maybe you laugh at him with your ‘friends’, but don’t you feel like slime on the inside, like you’ve done something wrong? Just a little bit? What if you don’t? Are you going to teach your children that it’s okay to pick on people, or not care if there is something wrong with the world as a whole?
I’m not saying everyone is an asshole, here. There are lots of people who are good, honest people, innocent bystanders, and those who do stand up for others. But what if those bystanders don’t do anything when they see injustice? Are they still innocent? That’s not really for me to decide though.
--keep writing, keep reading, keep watching
Emily Long
what's your buisness?
Personally, I have not been exposed to a situation as scary as these. I have however, spoken up for someone who was getting bullied. Like someone who was getting teased or picked on in the halls. I believe in karma, big time. So I should treat others the way that I would like to be treated.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Short Stories and NaNo/GaNo
Do you like short stories? Why? What makes a good short story? Do you like particular types of short stories? Discuss two short stories we have read and what techniques the author used to make you interested, think, fear, etc.
NaNo/GaNo is coming Sunday. Take a look at the website and see if it is interesting to you....Consider participating in GaNoWriMo (Gaboury's Novel Writing Month). A contract will be available Friday if you desire to join. Are you interesred at this point?
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Short Stories and NaNo/GaNo =]
And I love when stories leave you thinking, and on your toes.
A really good well put together short story is one that leaves
the reader wondering what’s going to happen next and makes them begin to develop their own ideas and thoughts on what’s going to happen next, and one that keeps them guessing. One time in class we read "The Interlopers". The author of this short story tried to make the story very interesting by using the literary techniques such as irony, suspense, and conflict. In “The Interlopers” the author used irony by having all of the enemies in this short story die from wolves in the dreadful woods after the long time feud was finally over. Another short story that I enjoyed very much was “The Lady and the Tiger”. This short story kept me very interested in it because this story doesn’t really have an ending, because it doesn’t end up telling you what was supposed to happen. When short stories are like this one, you get to make up your own version on what happened at the end. I found that to be really cool to be able to do. So although short stories can be confusing and harder to comprehend than novels they’re still really fun and cool to read.
Also, I do not plan on doing NaNo/GaNo because even though it would be cool to write non-stop for a month, and
to be able to express yourself.. I don’t think id be able to dedicate that much time to doing it for a whole month! So
I’m going to pass on it this time, maybe next year i’ll do it
=] ~Gabrielle Evon Marriner<3
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Our Deepest Fear is...
Read the quote and my response and then respond. Please edit your work. (Don't type as if you're texting--remember this is being published.)
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
This excerpt from Marianne Williamson is a powerful reminder to be who you wish without holding back. I want you to consider this quote and what it means when you attribute it to your life. I also want you to think about what we do to others when we shut down their lights, when we make people feel bad for being smart, when we laugh and ridicule others for raising their hands, doing their homework, caring about school/what they do, and so on.
When Captain Sully Sullenberger landed his plane in the Hudson River and everyone survived, we applauded him. When we go to the doctor we hope s/he knows his/her stuff so we or a loved one can be healed. When we go to the mechanic we hope he/she has done his job so our car will keep us safe, especially during a life/death situation.
In general we hope that people know their stuff. That they have studied and prepared hard for their career, for their life. So...why is it so easy for us to shut down classmates in school who might one day be the hope for research development for a cancer we could be diagnosed with? What if someone in high school is bullied and picked on so much so that they do not reach their potential and that potential could have changed/saved your life or a loved one's?
What is our responsibility towards ourselves and others for doing the best now and every day? Why do we expect it from others...but we let ourselves off the hook?
I'm really interested in your responses to this one.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
short stories
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
short stories
what makes it a good short story is that it has a death in it or if it has a creepy person in it. in class we read the caske of amontilado and i liked that because the person locked his friend in a cellar and he was going to die in it.
Short Stories + Nano/Gano
i am interested in Nano/Gano. i think it will be fun to express myself trough writing, but i will only be writing 8,000 words rather then 50,000 because i have a life and dont feel like wasting it on that much time towards writing. That's my honest opinion. =)
Short Stories.
Short Stories
short stories & GANO
Short Stories
Short Stories
short stories and gano/nano
One story we read in class was "The Most Dangerous Game" This story was one which contained suspense and a lot of detail. I liked this story in how the author showed foreshadowing but in kind of a hidden way so you really had to think about what was going on. Even though this wasn't a long novel it gave the reader the option of being able to think and try to predict what will follow. Another story was "The Lady and the Tiger" In this short story it gave background, foreshadowing and let the reader the opratunity to take part in the story and create their own ending. I enjoyed this because it did all this in just a short story.
Im not really interested in nano or gano writing.
short stories
i really am looking forward to Gano!
I’ll be honest, I’m afraid of a lot of things. When I’m intimidated or shy I’m am afraid to be myself and really let who I am show. I will say right now I’m not cocky but I do enjoy being right, or accomplishing thing and being successful. I have noticed sometimes though, I do hide how good I’ve done for the sake of other people. So I guess in some ways I agree with this quote but in others I don’t. As inspiring and beautiful as I think this quote is I just don’t think it’s always true and it can effect different people in different ways.
In my opinion I think people should shine as much as they can.. as corny as that sounds but it’s true. Why hold back when some day you could be the person who makes a difference in the work of just to someone in it. That difference could mean the world to someone if you just do what you want to the way you want to. Holding back is only hurting you and those people that you can help in the future. Just stay true to who you are and what you believe in, live life to the fullest and don’t expect anything to just come to you, you have to go out in the world and get what it is you truly want and who you truly are.
Short Stories and NaNo/GaNo
At this point i am not interested in Nano/Gano becuase i dont have time to write that many words. or to even attempt it. I would rather just do the written assignments assigned in class
When it comes to blogging I think it’s pretty cool because we get to voice our opinion and such which can be quite interesting. I don’t always read other peoples blog but I do sometimes when I get the chance. Mostly I only read my friends but it’s cool to see what they have to say about a topic and compare it to what I had to say. I thinks it’s best we stay away from political questions, not because I think it’s like stupid or not cool or whatever I just get easily annoyed with political matters I guess. The imaginative ones are fun but also kind of difficult for me but I get it okay sometimes. These laptops are definitely a plus to having to write blogs too, we get to stay in the class room and it makes it more fun I guess. I also like how we can listen to music, it actually helps me concentrate and I like it better. I like how I get to show people a little bit more about me that they may not already know.
Two short stories that we have read in class are "The Monkey's Paw" and "The Lady or the Tiger?" Both of these stories were alright to me. I didn't love them, but they had characters with intresting personalities. In, "The Monkey's Paw" the father, Mr. White, makes very bad desicions, then a good one that saves the whole story and the characters in it. This story was definitely not realistic because it was about magic and wishes, but it almost seemed believable because the events happened were taken seriously by the characters.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
My biggest fear....
Deepest Fear
Equality is the best policy.
good stories
Friday, October 9, 2009
just something to talk about
I believe that every person has an oppertunity to make a difference in the world. we should not give up at life and wait for someone smart to come along and take care of us. we are ging to depend on doctors when we become ill and yet again those doctors are those "nerd" or "over achievers" in school who people made fun of. just remember that next time you want to call someone a nerd because they are going to be the one's who you will be thankful for in the future.
"Deepest Fear"
deepest fear
me, i dont make fun of people for being smart. i dont really care for school that much becuse im going to join the marines like my dad but i know i should do better because after i get out i still want a good job.
~Gabrielle Evon Marriner
Our Deepest Fears.
just something to talk about
I believe that every person has an oppertunity to make a difference in the world. we should not give up at life and wait for someone smart to come along and take care of us. we are going to depend on doctors when we become ill and yet again those doctors are those "nerd" or "over achievers" in school who people made fun of. Just remember that next time you want to call someone a nerd because they are going to be the one's who you will be thankful for in the future.
Our Biggest Fear Is
I feel bullies in a way are preventing future discoveries and advances in medicines and technology. An example of this would be cancer which has been around for a long time and I believe we should already have a cure for it but we don't. Another example of why we should have more advanced technology is finding a new way to run cars rather than fossil fuels. when the last drop of gasoiline is taken from the ground scientist will be looked up to and depened on to fix the problem but it will still be difficult since there are less of them to solve the solution due to bullies in school.