Thursday, October 15, 2009


After reading the quote, I would have to pretty much agree with what it is talking about. I do beleive that you should do the best that you can do at all times. You shouldn't be discouraged for being good at something, for example, being smart. If you are ridiculed for being smart, just ignore it because one day when you have the ability to help that person who picked on you, you'll have them on your knees begging you to help. Something that I live by is that I do what I like to do, and I dont care what other people think about me. If you think about it, if you are hiding something that you enjoy or are good at because you are afraid that if someone sees you doing it, they will make fun of you, then you are actually just letting them control you. By being insecure about what you like to do, you are both letting them call the shots, and you are not being fair to yourself. So thats my far out insight for today kids, peace.

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