Saturday, October 31, 2009

Our Deepest Fear is...

Hello everyone!

Read the quote and my response and then respond. Please edit your work. (Don't type as if you're texting--remember this is being published.)

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

This excerpt from Marianne Williamson is a powerful reminder to be who you wish without holding back. I want you to consider this quote and what it means when you attribute it to your life. I also want you to think about what we do to others when we shut down their lights, when we make people feel bad for being smart, when we laugh and ridicule others for raising their hands, doing their homework, caring about school/what they do, and so on.

When Captain Sully Sullenberger landed his plane in the Hudson River and everyone survived, we applauded him. When we go to the doctor we hope s/he knows his/her stuff so we or a loved one can be healed. When we go to the mechanic we hope he/she has done his job so our car will keep us safe, especially during a life/death situation.

In general we hope that people know their stuff. That they have studied and prepared hard for their career, for their life. So...why is it so easy for us to shut down classmates in school who might one day be the hope for research development for a cancer we could be diagnosed with? What if someone in high school is bullied and picked on so much so that they do not reach their potential and that potential could have changed/saved your life or a loved one's?

What is our responsibility towards ourselves and others for doing the best now and every day? Why do we expect it from others...but we let ourselves off the hook?

I'm really interested in your responses to this one.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

short stories

I enjoy reading short stories. They are great because they are able to tell a whole story in a few pages, where as novels take hundreds of pages to do the same thing. I like all kinds of short stories but I like horror the best. Horror is great for short stories because I think of short stories as stories that are told around a nice campfire, and suspense is easily built up in both these kinds of stories. An example of this is "The Monkey's Paw." I like d this book because it was a good ole creepy tale that can be told at night. Another short story we read was "The Interlopers." I liked this one simply for its ending that was not expacted by the reader. Long story short, after the 2 life long enemies became friends, and were waiting to be saved by their men, a pack of wolves came and assumably ate them. A common thing with all short stories is that I find them to be more for entertainment rather than emotional issues, which is good if you are tired of all the sappy crap.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I plan on doing Gano but I don't think I could write 50,000 words so I don't think I'm going to even atempt Nano.


I want to do Ganwrimo because it sounds fun.I think it would be nice to just right about whatever for a month.I'm not sure if i would do Nano because I don't think I would have the time to write 50,000 words ,8,ooo is good enough for me.

short stories

i like short stories. i like them more than normal books because they are shorter and i hate reading. i also like them because there more intresting because you dont have to wait to get to the good part because it is short.

what makes it a good short story is that it has a death in it or if it has a creepy person in it. in class we read the caske of amontilado and i liked that because the person locked his friend in a cellar and he was going to die in it.
I like some short stories. If the short storie is fantasy I usually dont like it. If the short story is a true story or a non fiction I usually like it. I liked the short storie with the guy in the plane. That is the only one I liked so far. I did not like the one about the lady and the tiger.
I prefer reading short stories rather than novels. I find short stories enjoyable because each word has to be important since it is shorter. This means the short story will have rel event information thorough out the entire story unlike novels with long and boring expositions. A good short story is made up of rising action from the start to the climax. I enjoy reading scary short stories. We have read "The Monkey's Paw" and "The Cask of Amontillado" which are both good because they give horrific details and give constant rising action through out the short story to make me feel fear. "The Cask of Amontillado" gives a sense of fear when the two men are in the catacombs aqnd the author is describing the setting and how grueseme it is. "The Monkeys Paw" made me eager to keep reading because the author uses the knocking at the door and the posility of it being the son as a mangled dead mess caused me to want to find out what was going to happen next. I am not interested in Nano/Gano.

Short Stories + Nano/Gano

I don't like short stories because I find that they try to squeeze too much information into too little words. I think this makes the story very confusing and hard to comprehend. What makes a good story?- a good short story is one that i am not forced to read, but if i have to read a short story a good one is simple, sweet, short, and to the point. In class we have read "The Lady and the Tiger" and "The Interlopers". The authors of these short stories try to make them interesting by using suspense, iron, and conflict. In "the Interlopers" the author used irony by having the enemies die from wolves in the woods after they finally ended their ling time feud. In "The Lady and the Tiger" the author made it suspenseful at the end by not telling the reader which came out of the door to meet the handsome man, the lady or the tiger? This suspense makes the reader wonder what happened for a while even after they finish the short story. Unfortunetly I never actually find myself interested in the short story even if the author is an amazing writer. I think long novels are better because they have more detail but its isnt all compacted causing the reader to be confused, rather details can be spread out and their are more events. I find that wehn i am in a reading mood that i want to sit down and read one long story for a while rather then multiple short stories.

i am interested in Nano/Gano. i think it will be fun to express myself trough writing, but i will only be writing 8,000 words rather then 50,000 because i have a life and dont feel like wasting it on that much time towards writing. That's my honest opinion. =)

Short Stories.

I love short stories.They are harder to understand than novels because they leave you thinking.That's why I love them.A good short story should leave the reader wondering and let them develope their own idea of what is going on.We read The Cast Of Amantilado was a short story that made me interested because Edgar Allan Poe kept me on my toes.It kept me thinking of what was going to happen next and if the main character was going to something crazy.Another short story that kept me interested was The Lady or The Tiger.It kept me interested because the story doesn't end telling what was supposed to happen.You get to make up your own idea what the ending is.Short atories can be confusing but they get your mind going and keep you interested...well,most do.

Short Stories

Short story are okay but I enjoy getting to know the characters and getting inside their heads. I like short scary stories and what makes them good that is the suspence and the drama that keeps you on the edge of your seat. The Cast of Amontalado used erie effects and it is dramatic in the way they walk through the undregroud tunnels. Poe uses suspece in order to create an erie mood. Beware of The Dog also uses suspence by not telling you where the man is but there are subtle clues that point to the answer.

short stories & GANO

I think short stories are interesting and we should do those more. Short stories are meaningful, and it’s fun to look for the clues that make them so meaningful. The author has to think before putting every word into their stories, because they are so short they have to tell their story in a few pages. The story that shows how the author used such techniques is “Beware of the Dog.” Throughout the short story the author put subtle clues in to show that the POW knew in fact he was a POW and not in a hospital. The author used things like how the character used his memory to remember how soft the water was in England. Where he was, the water was very hard, yet they all told him he was in England. Another story I think was interesting was “The Necklace.” I liked that short story because it told the story through a time period of over 10 years. It told how the family got into a bad situation by losing an expensive necklace, and they spend the next years of there life to make up for it. Then it fast forwards through time and shows how at the end, they realize that the necklace wasn’t really expensive, and they didn’t have to spend those years of there life like they did. As I did GANO last year, I know how difficult it is to write so many words. I am still considering to do it again, yet I don’t know for sure if I want to or not.

Short Stories

I like it when short stories are actually short. For example when we read the Interlopers. It was too long and it annoyed me a lot. Also the story had the most idiotic ending. Wolves? Really, I could have thought of that, and that isn't saying much. I very much liked The Most Dangerous Game. It had a cool twist and it had suspense and action. My ideal short story is one that is short and has action with perhaps a twist.

Short Stories

This is Josh. I love short stories because they are short and I hate reading so the less the better. I liked "The Most Dangerous Game", "Beware of the Dog", and "The Interlopers". Also the "Monkeys Paw" that was my favorite. Short stories are really good but if we read them outloud they are even better! This is my second post and I am starting to get better at it. But this laptop is making me mad because it starts writing someplace were i don't want it to write.

short stories and gano/nano

I like short stories because they are short at the same time having all the information to complete the full story. My favorite story that I read was the most dangerous game and the necklace. I liked both of these because they had the rigth amount of suspence and mystery. Both of the stories at the begining seem like you knew where the story was going and what was gonna happen, then the story would quikly turn and would have a unexpected twist. Also all the short stories we had all had a fear that every person has or is common for people, like the lady and the tiger, jealousy wasa main feeling in the story, this allows you to relate to the story. there areemany things that make a short story good, suspence, being able to relate to the story, and many more.
there are many things that make a good short story... i like short stories because the are breif and to the point i don't like all of the other long,long story books there to prolonged and dragged out.! that is why i like short storys more than long. because they are my favorite type of books to read!!!
Personally, I like short stories. Sometimes i don't when its a pointless story but most the time i like them. I like novels as well but all together I'm not the biggest fan of reading. When it comes to short stories I like the fact the so much detail and plot can be in such a short story and it still make sense. Short stories can even posses the suspense a long novel can with out all the pages of reading. I think it takes a skillful author to beable to do that. I mean you also have to be skilled to be able to right a long novel and not make it boring but its cool that someone can put so much in a short story.
One story we read in class was "The Most Dangerous Game" This story was one which contained suspense and a lot of detail. I liked this story in how the author showed foreshadowing but in kind of a hidden way so you really had to think about what was going on. Even though this wasn't a long novel it gave the reader the option of being able to think and try to predict what will follow. Another story was "The Lady and the Tiger" In this short story it gave background, foreshadowing and let the reader the opratunity to take part in the story and create their own ending. I enjoyed this because it did all this in just a short story.

Im not really interested in nano or gano writing.

short stories

i like well written short stories. They have to have a strong plot that can be told, and told well within a few pagesTangerous Game, theirhe Monkey's Paw and The most Dangerous Game, there was some mystery and suspense, which made them both very readable. A short story quicker pace than a longer book or novel, but still be interesting to the reader. i'm sort of picky about short stories, but i do enjoy Poe's work. It's so amazingly creepy. Which is odd, seeing as i don't really like horror or anything.

i really am looking forward to Gano!
Sometimes, I wonder if people do have a reason for shutting down other kids. I mean you may say “oh that kids a bully because he’s scared of being who he really is” but is that true. What some people are just truly mean, is that even possible? These bullies as people call them could be the nicest kid in certain situations but the total opposite in other situations. The question is why do they act the way they so I mean isn’t that kind of the point of this blog? What are people afraid of.. some may be afraid of being mean, some may be afraid of being nice. But is that even the case, or is that just how the person is. No one ever truly knows if someone is being themselves, not even that person sometimes.
I’ll be honest, I’m afraid of a lot of things. When I’m intimidated or shy I’m am afraid to be myself and really let who I am show. I will say right now I’m not cocky but I do enjoy being right, or accomplishing thing and being successful. I have noticed sometimes though, I do hide how good I’ve done for the sake of other people. So I guess in some ways I agree with this quote but in others I don’t. As inspiring and beautiful as I think this quote is I just don’t think it’s always true and it can effect different people in different ways.
In my opinion I think people should shine as much as they can.. as corny as that sounds but it’s true. Why hold back when some day you could be the person who makes a difference in the work of just to someone in it. That difference could mean the world to someone if you just do what you want to the way you want to. Holding back is only hurting you and those people that you can help in the future. Just stay true to who you are and what you believe in, live life to the fullest and don’t expect anything to just come to you, you have to go out in the world and get what it is you truly want and who you truly are.
What makes a good story?To be honest, I can’t tell you. Everyone has there own opinion about what they think a good story is. What I can tell you is my opinion of a good story. I’m not one to read much and it takes a lot to really interest me in a book. Stories told to me interest me a lot but it has to have something to do with a topic I’m interested in.I think a story with more detail is always better than a boring story without any detail at all. When the setting, smells, looks, and feelings are described if give you a chance to put yourself inside the story which may get you more interested. Also for me I must say, when the story is in picture like a movie, I always get more interested. That’s not saying it’s a better story than a book but it just interests me more. No matter what, almost every story out there has a bit of suspense in it. There’s some kind of problem creating the suspense) and you’re left trying to figure out how it will be solved. That situation always makes the story just a bit better, it keeps you thinking.

Short Stories and NaNo/GaNo

I personally like short stories. They usually have fun themes and dont take forever to read. Like ''the most dangerous game'' and ''the lady or the tiger''. These short stories have fun plots and are suspensful. My idea of a good short story is one that is easy to understand. For example, the ''lady or the tiger'' was easy to understand becuase it deals with decision making which we all have to do. But at the same time it is suspensful becuase you do dont know what the decision will be. Will he choose the door with the lady behind it and live happily ever after ?Or will he choose the door with the tiger and have a sudden death? No one knows because the author leaves us to choose. In ''the most dangerous game'' the author has an idea and takes it to the extreme. Like hunting game. Instead of hunting animals which are apperently too easy to hunt, they hunt people. This idea is interesting and extreme enough to keep the reader interested.
At this point i am not interested in Nano/Gano becuase i dont have time to write that many words. or to even attempt it. I would rather just do the written assignments assigned in class
i like short stories because they are short and dont take that long and usually dont take that long to get to the point. the thing about long stories is that they take to long to read and to get to the point. i like short stories because you dont have to pay attention for that long and you can just get the story done and over with.
Blogging : ) (:

When it comes to blogging I think it’s pretty cool because we get to voice our opinion and such which can be quite interesting. I don’t always read other peoples blog but I do sometimes when I get the chance. Mostly I only read my friends but it’s cool to see what they have to say about a topic and compare it to what I had to say. I thinks it’s best we stay away from political questions, not because I think it’s like stupid or not cool or whatever I just get easily annoyed with political matters I guess. The imaginative ones are fun but also kind of difficult for me but I get it okay sometimes. These laptops are definitely a plus to having to write blogs too, we get to stay in the class room and it makes it more fun I guess. I also like how we can listen to music, it actually helps me concentrate and I like it better. I like how I get to show people a little bit more about me that they may not already know.


I like short stories for the most part. If they are not boring or stupid, then I enjoy them. I don't like the fact that if it is a good story, it doesn't last that long because it's short. There goes a good novel. What makes a good short story, is a well thought out story and characters that match the plot.

Two short stories that we have read in class are "The Monkey's Paw" and "The Lady or the Tiger?" Both of these stories were alright to me. I didn't love them, but they had characters with intresting personalities. In, "The Monkey's Paw" the father, Mr. White, makes very bad desicions, then a good one that saves the whole story and the characters in it. This story was definitely not realistic because it was about magic and wishes, but it almost seemed believable because the events happened were taken seriously by the characters.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

My biggest fear....

I believe that this quote is true we shouldn't put down people with different or unique qualities. If you stop someone now from exceeding there full potential in the future the talent that they could had have could be the exact thing that you need in your life. There are always gonna be that person that puts down people and makes you feel like you should make your self less just to be excepted by them. However if you do that you are stopping your self from being you. Its hard to figure out waht you are supose to be and do with your life then add on top of it having people jugding you the whole time. but in the end you dont want to think back to what you could have been but think of what you are now.

Deepest Fear

I agree with that quote a lot, and think people hold back from being all they can because they don't want things to change. They want to be on the same level as their peers and aren't sure if what they're capable of is good or bad to others around them. When we shut someone down for doing great things, they start to give up. Nobody wants to step out of the line and be called out for their accomplishments, because their afraid of being critized for it. So instead of comming out and doing something brilliant, they hold back. So many great things could come from people if they weren't afraid to show their ideas and do what they do best. If more people embraced people that are really smart, or different, they might feel more comfortable and create/come up with great things that could benifit many people.

Equality is the best policy.

Every person has a right to feel comfortable at school.People making of fun of others is just them showing their insecurities.The fact that people try to maintain good grades does not make them a "nerd" it only means that they care about thier futures.Most of those kids who get called "nerds" are the nicest people but they don't get a chance becuase of jerks that just want some entertainment.I really don't understand why everyone is friends with the jerks who make fun of people and the ones who would make really good friends.If people want to feel better about themselves than they shouldn't take up mockery,they should try being more nice to the people who actually deserve it.Next time you mock,laugh at,or make fun of someone think of how that will make them me it isn't good.

good stories

I think "good stories" are completely 100% based on a person's opinions. To one guy, a book can be a complete piece of garbage, but it could be someone else's favorite book. A sorie's greatness is determined by the person. Myself, I know that I first of all have to like the genre of the book or movie to think the story is good. I know this is quite biased, but it is true that you pay attention more to something you enjoy as opposed to something that bores you. All in all, I think that all these things that everyone is mentioning in this blog like characters, suspense, and plot mean absolutely nothing when determing if the story is good or not; like I said, it's entirely based on opinion.


After reading the quote, I would have to pretty much agree with what it is talking about. I do beleive that you should do the best that you can do at all times. You shouldn't be discouraged for being good at something, for example, being smart. If you are ridiculed for being smart, just ignore it because one day when you have the ability to help that person who picked on you, you'll have them on your knees begging you to help. Something that I live by is that I do what I like to do, and I dont care what other people think about me. If you think about it, if you are hiding something that you enjoy or are good at because you are afraid that if someone sees you doing it, they will make fun of you, then you are actually just letting them control you. By being insecure about what you like to do, you are both letting them call the shots, and you are not being fair to yourself. So thats my far out insight for today kids, peace.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Personally, I can understand what this quote means from personal experiences. In school, I try hard to get maintain good grades, and I have been called things like smarty pants and whatnot. It doesn’t really get to me because most of the time people are just kidding around it about it. They usually seem to be jealous because they don’t have those grades. Most of the people I know really do try to work hard in what they do. I don’t know many people that just go through school just to get through it. I don’t even understand how people just have that attitude that they do not care. I understand some people would call me strange from that, but I don’t care. How can you not care about doing well in life, I mean your grades determine the rest of your life pretty much. If you have good grades, you have more opportunities to go places for college and then eventuality with a career. You can choose what you want to do if you have the grades and the reputation of a good student. I would much rather work hard in school and choose the rest of my life, than slack in my classes, and be forced to work somewhere I do not want to for the amount of money I do not want either. I would appreciate very much if I could land a career that gets paid well, I can’t imagine who else wouldn’t. But money isn’t the first thing I want. I would like to choose a career I am interested in. I haven’t put great thought into that yet, but when I do, I will have many options because my grades are good. I think that everyone likes a positive comment. I try to give out comments that are positive to others, even if it is on a negative thing. I feel like life is short, and you shouldn’t waste time getting upset over things. You should enjoy your time and plan for more time. Everyone around you has made impacts on at least one persons life, so if you think about knowing lets say 50 people, then all of those 50 people have changed someone else’s life, now that’s 100. The numbers double and double and you can be someone who inspires another person to send on the good message. You should set examples for others to be a good person and get good grades. You should inspire others never put them down. Putting someone else down could have the reverse effect, and many people would then end up upset. Let’s try to keep everything positive. You can change someone’s day by being positive. No put downs.
People are tools sometimes. They make fun of kids that are better than them because they’re jealous. When they make other people feel bad about themselves it makes them feel like they are better. If you’re jealous of someone then you should try to accomplish what they have accomplished. If people helped others in life, the world would be a much better place.
I agree with this 100%. I think that poeple who bring people down for being really smart and exceeding beyond their goals are insecure and jelous and have to find their own feeling of self worth by making other people feel like they are the ones who aren't good enough. By slacking off and acting like they're cool for getting in trouble and not doing their work / not going to school they're not impressing anybody but only getting themselves in a situation that they will have to live with. It is important to make everyone feel like they can reach their goals whether they are really smart, or artistic, or good at acting, anything! It is also important to do your best and not be another person who sets an example of not trying. If you try your best you can succeed and you can inspire other people to succeed.

just something to talk about

I can personally relate to this quote. i try my hardest and always strive to do my best in school and other areas of my life. i have been called a nerd and over achiever but it doesnt really bother me. i know that when i get older and apply to colleges that i will be able to go anywhere i wish to and do almost anything i want with my life. my goal is to get into R.P.I. collage, so i know that i have to get excellent grades inorder to be accepted there. people think good grades come easy to me, but what they dont understand is that school is not easy for me and that i have to spend most of my time studying and doing my homework so that i can succeed in my life. also, people should not judge people on being different and they should especially not judge people based on how hard they try to become successful. i think that the people who judge and make fun are those who are either jelous or immature.

I believe that every person has an oppertunity to make a difference in the world. we should not give up at life and wait for someone smart to come along and take care of us. we are ging to depend on doctors when we become ill and yet again those doctors are those "nerd" or "over achievers" in school who people made fun of. just remember that next time you want to call someone a nerd because they are going to be the one's who you will be thankful for in the future.

"Deepest Fear"

Honestly the quote doesnt fit me. I dont really care what people think. I try hard in school it doesnt always work for me, but i wont make fun off someone cause they actually do good in school. Also I think its rediculus that kids do make fun of people for stuff like that, and it can make those good kids do bad things. Just look at colimbine, you can see how bad of reactions kids can have to being made fun of. So I would say it fits some people but thats just people that fun of people to hide there emotions and make them feel big and better of themselves.

deepest fear

I think that when people make fun of other people about being smart it just pisses me off! i belive that the person make fun of others is really jelous of the smart ones because they know they there going to get the better jobs and have a family while they are not having a good job. so the people making fun of others should start being like them more.

me, i dont make fun of people for being smart. i dont really care for school that much becuse im going to join the marines like my dad but i know i should do better because after i get out i still want a good job.



I think that it's really stupid that some people put down others, just because they're very smart. It's the smart people in the world, that make our world a better place. If it weren't for smart people, we wouldn't have doctors, nurses, and surgeons, and scientists, and astronamers. Doctors, nurses, and surgeons are the ones who make the world a better place by helping out people in need. And scientists are the ones who come up with cures for things, and astronamers are the ones who find out more about the planets, and the world. It's because of smart people that the world is getting better, and that we are learning more about our world. We always say that we're not smart, and that we aren't going to do our work, because we don't wanna go to college. Well we have the chance to study hard and bust our asses off in school so that we can make something of ourselves, and so that we can make a change and a difference in our world today. Being really smart isn't something to be ashamed of, it's something to be really proud of. Being smart is a really good feature to have, and it will get you very far in life, if you use that power to do good with it, and to make a change or difference in your life and in you world by using it. Once you grow up, you need to get a good paying job in order to pay for a house to live in, food and water so that you can survive, and furniture, and clothing. You're not going to be able to pay for any of that if you don't do good in school, and graduate, and pass onto college, and do good in college. College is how you get a great paying job, so that you are able to provide for yourself. Study in school, get good grades, go to college, and make something of yourself. Smart people are the ones who make a difference, and are the ones who are looked up to by others. You could be an inspiration to someone, if you graduate from highschool, and pass onto college, and make a difference in the world. Only you have the power to succeed very highly in life, and only you have the power to be what you wanna be. Your future and the way your life is going to turn out, is all in your hands.

~Gabrielle Evon Marriner

Our Deepest Fears.

I'm not quite sure how I feel about this quote. I mean I am myself and I try not to care what other people think about me. I also try not to judge people based on how smart they are just how nice they are to me. BoldI try hard to do good in school because one day I want to amount to something and make a difference in the world. I think it is stupid to pick on people based on weather the like to learn or not beacuse most likely if you are the one picking on them they will amount to more than you will. The kids who are smart today will make a difference in the world tomarrow.

just something to talk about

I can personally relate to this quote. i try my hardest and always strive to do my best in school and other areas of my life. i have been called a nerd and over achiever but it doesnt really bother me. i know that when i get older and apply to colleges that i will be able to go anywhere i wish to and do almost anything i want with my life. my goal is to get into R.P.I. collage, so i know that i have to get excellent grades inorder to be accepted there. people think good grades come easy to me, but what they dont understand is that school is not easy for me and that i have to spend most of my time studying and doing my homework so that i can succeed in my life. also, people should not judge people on being different and they should especially not judge people based on how hard they try to become successful. i think that the people who judge and make fun are those who are either jelous or immature.

I believe that every person has an oppertunity to make a difference in the world. we should not give up at life and wait for someone smart to come along and take care of us. we are going to depend on doctors when we become ill and yet again those doctors are those "nerd" or "over achievers" in school who people made fun of. Just remember that next time you want to call someone a nerd because they are going to be the one's who you will be thankful for in the future.

Our Biggest Fear Is

I feel as though people who pick on others for their grades have no morals. Good grades lead people to find something to put an end to problems such as a serious disease by finding a cure. If the person who made fun of the one who got good grades got a serious disease the one who strived for excellence in high school and moved onto a good college could have found a vaccine to the disease. On the other hand if the bully put the kid down for his/her grades the kid could start to feel depressed and not get as good grades causing him/her not to make an important discovery that could affect the entire world

I feel bullies in a way are preventing future discoveries and advances in medicines and technology. An example of this would be cancer which has been around for a long time and I believe we should already have a cure for it but we don't. Another example of why we should have more advanced technology is finding a new way to run cars rather than fossil fuels. when the last drop of gasoiline is taken from the ground scientist will be looked up to and depened on to fix the problem but it will still be difficult since there are less of them to solve the solution due to bullies in school.

just something to talk about x2

When I read this quote I can sort of relate to it. Ive been made fun of because I'm smart in some classes and I try my best almost 100 percent of the time. Sometimes this bothers me when people say things, but i think its because they don't try their best so they have to pick on someone else that is. I try not to let the things people say bother me, but it depends on how they say it and what they say. And sometimes its hard to focus or try your best after someone says something mean. When someone tells me I cant do something it makes me very angry and makes me want to prove to them I can do anything I set my mind to. Personally I think people that get stuff said to them should not let it bother them and keep trying their best. Also, I think the people that say things become jealous of the kids who try hard, because the kids that try get better grades and the ones that don't get bad ones. We should not wait for other people to take action and find a cure, or medicine, or something that could help the world. Our generation should be the ones to take action and make something happen or make a change in the world.

Deepest Fear

Personally this quote doesn’t mean much to me. I’m always myself and don’t really care what people think. I know I’m smart and have potential so I work hard generally. I do agree that it is stupid to pick on kids for their intelligence because they could indeed do something beneficial for the world. For example say you picked on a kid for being a nerd, and that kid found the cure for the cancer you have. Look who is laughing now. You are now in debt to the very person you picked on. Everyone should be themselves and people should stop picking on each other for how they are. Everyone is different and if we weren’t the world would be a boring place.
This is my first time posting because last year it didn’t work so Yaaaa! I think almost every person is a hypocrite. So if someone does it on someone then that person
our responsibility towards ourselves is to do the best we can everyday and set an example for everyone else. when you do your best, it encorages others to do their best also because if you do, then your setting and example. like football for example, the team is only as strong as it's weakest player. so if everyone is doing their best, than that will affect the whole team.

lah dee dah

When I read this quote, I thought that it doesn't really relate to me. I work hard to keep my grades up even if they aren't the best. I may not be the smartest, but I try. I agree, people in school do pick on the people who are smart, and show it. Its stupid that we do this. Just because someone is smart, it doesn't mean that others have the right to pick on them. I think that the only reason people pick on others is because they are insecure about themselves. I know that im insecure at times, but that doesn't give me the right to make fun of someone else.

Our deapest fear..

We have a big impact on people when we shut down their lights. when we make people feel bad about themselves, we damage their self esteems. So, when they dont have confidence in there selves and thier abilites they give up. If people give up and dont try becuase they fear they will fail then they will never reach their full potential. Who knows what impact these people could of had on the world if we had not shut down there light. They could be the ones who find the cure for cancer or aids.
Instead of putting people down, we should help build their confidence. We need to tell people when they are good at something. That they are smart and that they could really amount to something one day. When we believe in ourselves there are no limits, we can accomplish anything. We can reach our goals if we try and have others support.

I don't like immature people

This is a perfect topic that I have so much to say about. The perfect situation as an example has just happened recently. My very good friend made the varsity cheerleading team for football season. She is a freshman, and the problem is that there are sophmores that made JV, but wanted to make varsity. They were being very immature about the whole situation, but mostly it was jealousy. The girls had flipped off my friend at the bus stop, said that she was in the back of all the routines because she was bad, and made fun of her just because my friend had "their spot" on varsity. All what they said about her is very untrue. Obviously, she is better than them. My coach found out that they were giving her a hard time, and had a talk with both the teams. I had just stuck by my friend and told her she didn't have to worry about those jealous chicks, she was better than them and I told her to show them who has what. What's worse is that I was on varsity as a freshman so I know how happy and proud she is, then being shot down like that...I personally know how terrible that must feel.

The thing about this story is that people waste their time saying and doing the dummest, sensless, and most useless things. Seriously-making fun of a girl on varsity isn't going to make you a better cheerleader so you will make it next time! They have nothing better to do? They are so bored and jealous that they need to give someone a hard time to just have something to do? It's pathetic.

I'm just going to rant here for a second. I am so annoyed with immature people! I hate when girls talk about girls. Calling a girl fat is not going to make you skinny! People who gossip bad like that need to grow up and get over themselves! It's understandable being really young and gossiping like that, but if you are as old as we are now, get over yourself because other people have nothing to do with you. That ugly guy has nothing to do with your life, right? He isn't affecting you in any way, but you are lowering his self-esteem. It's plain mean and rude and really disrespectful.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What do you think about blogging?

Hello all!

So, today's question is a quick, easy one, since we are trying out the lap top cart. So, tell me honestly and serously what your experience is so far with blogging. Do you like it? Why? What kinds of questions would you like to answer? Do you like reading what others say? Do you like others reading what you write?


Friday, October 2, 2009

What makes it a good story?

Hello scholars!

Today's blogging question is what makes a good story...? Think of any book, movie, video game, graphic novel, short story, friend's/grandpa's/etc. retelling. What is it that makes you want to keep reading, watching, listening? What parts make you stay up past your endurance (sleep) to continue?

Remember to write this in paragraph format. Give yourself time and energy (perhaps copy and paste it from a word document so there is an additional copy that goes through spell check). And remember..other people will read this. Make yourself proud to be published.

V. Gaboury

Thursday, October 1, 2009


So far i like blogging. I think that it is very interesting because ive never done this before. I like answering the questions that are my own opi nion on a subject. I also really like using the labtop for it. I think it makes it a lot easier to blog. I think this because its more relaxing then the library or computer lab and that makes it a lot easier to think of your reasponse. Sometimes i like reading what others have to say to see if anyone shares my opinion. It doesnt bother me if anyone reads what i write.
so far i enojy blogging. blogging seems like fun, unless i have to answer a really boring question(:. i dont really care what we talk about, im not going to be picky about it. i havent read anyone's blog except laura's which was pretty good. so, i guess reading the blogs are fun. i dont really like knowing that other people can read what im writing. cause if it sucks than everyone knows it sucks.

i love the laptops, i think it will be a better way to get things done in class, and take notes. cause my handwriting is horrible, and typing the notes instead of writing will not make my hand cramp as much.

What i think about blogging..

i think blogging is really cool, because it's a way to express how you feel towards certain things.i don't like to read or write that much, but blogging i do like. i think that it's really cool that we as an english class have our own blogging site, where we can type out or ideas and thoughts and feelings. blogging in my opinion, is way better then writing on paper.. when you write on paper your hand gets tired and it takes way longer to complete whatever you're trying to write. but when you get to write things on the clasrooms own blogging site, you get to see everybodys ideas and thoughts and feelings, and you get to reflect on them.. i think blogging is p;retty cool :-)

What do i think about blogging

what i think about blogging is i think it is stupid. its like the title nobody wants to do this. it is boring. i wish i could go back in time and stop the person who created it. i dont understand what the point of doing this for.

i dont even want to do this blog rite now. i hate my self for doing this. i hate this pc it is annoying. its jumping all over the place. i hope i do not have to write more. but i have to write a few more sentences. this is my last 1 i am writing cuz i hate doing this.
I find blogging a lot more fun than writing the awnsers to these questions on paper. I myself feel I will enjoy some of the future questions to come. The one question we have already awnsered (besides this one) was a definate school question but im hoping for more personal questions such as what I like to do in my spare time. But in general the blogs title speaks for itself that nobody really wants to do this but I think I may enjoy it. I find the laptops a much better way to do scho olwork because I type extremely slow and hope this will make me faster. If everybody in the school started using laptops then students would be much more prepared for college and all the tyyping needed there.

what makes a good story!

What makes a good story is the middle of the book, when you know more details about the characters. Like in the book twilight: breaking dawn when bella became pregnant and she became insanley skinny. This shows irony because when a woman becomes pregnant she gains weith rather than becoming skin and bones. The setting is also a huge part in the story, like in twilght the town of forks was a prefect place for vampires to live. It was always rainy, cold and surrounded by woods, that were filled with "animals" and bad vampires.

The best element that makes a good story is conflict, such as Edward, Bella's lover and Jacob, Bella's bestfriend in twilight. Both Edward and Jacob are in love with Bella which makes both of them despise each other. But there is a bigger problem Jacob's family descended from wolves(the vampire's enemy). In this case Edward hates when Bella is around Jacob. I believe irony, conflict, and the setting really help to enhance a story and grab the reader.
i enjoy blogging so far. i think we should write about sports, friends, familly, plans for the future, maybe and advice colum, and our favoite hobbies. i havent really read what others have written yet, but i always find wht other write helps enhance my writting as well. i dont like the idea of people reading what i have written because i am kinda self conscience about my writting.

i am enjoying using the laptop at my desk, but i really hate these specific labtops. i have a huge 17 and 1/2 inch laptop at my house so i am having trouble typing on this smaller labtop. also the mouse keeps moving on me and i find myslef typing in lines above me and it is quite frustrating.
A good novel contains many elements to keep me interested. I feel a novel must be simple so it is easy to understand what is happening. If you have to go back because you can’t understand something that’s just confusing and makes me lose interest in the book. Another important element in a descent novel is suspense. I personally am interested in horror novels and feel suspense is key to keeping me reading. A book with a slow start is dull and bores me but I continue reading because it could pick up at any time. An example of this is the novel The Unspoken which is slow and non suspenseful at the start but the last 50 pages were nonstop suspense and it got to the point where I couldn’t put the book down.

A descent amount of foreshadowing is good in a book but not needed. One thing I like is false foreshadowing because it provides a twist which is very satisfying in horror novels. For most horror novels there is an end twist which I think are exciting because the plot is going one then shifts quickly sometimes changing the entire view of the story. I believe the three key elements in a (horror) story are (false) foreshadowing, suspense, and a non-confusing plot.

blogging and the new laptops

I do not write any blogs myself at home, but I do love to read them. People write about everything on blogs, and you can even go to someone's blog to find out what you missed if you miss an episode of your favorite show or something. I think that blogging is a good idea for our english class because this way we are all in the same place and it is a good way to use technology for educational purposes. I don't really like the fact that other people can read my responses, but I don't care if they do and I like to read things that other people write. I like having laptops to work with at my desk, and in my old school we had laptops in a cart like this. This laptop is kind of hard to write on because something keeps moving around the text while i'm writing, besides that though I like this.

My Thoughts On Blogging.

I have never blogged before but i think it's fun.I like seeing what other people think about things and being able to compare them with my thoughts.I like having people read what i write so they know my ideas on a subject.When i read other people's blogs its like getting a taste of of whats running through their mind when they answer the questions on here.

Happy Blogging.!
- Lo Beau-

What I Think About Our Blog.

So far I am enjoying this whole blogging thing. I like to see what other people think about a topic and I don't mind people seeing what I think as well. I kind of like the idea of having my thoughts and opinions for all to see. I like the questions that we are asked to answer they make you think. I always enjoy trying new things and this I feel is a good idea to get us all comunicating with eachother and to get us to think about topics. I am really excited about the laptops and i think it was a good idea.

Good Work Mrs. G! :)
I would never be blogging if it were not for this class. I like doing an assignment and immediatley handing it in by pressing one button. It is a different idea; I don't blog in any other of my classes so its nice to do it in this class I guess. What I like about it is being loose with writing. Most of the things we blog about are topics that require our opinions. It is good to have a real voice in your writing instead of just stating facts and being boring. I don't like that we have to write it on the computer because I always slack off and go on other websites when I'm supposed to be doing schoolwork. Other than that, blogging isn't bad.

blog about thee blog.

In all honesty, I can enjoy the blogging. Last year I learned a lot with the response questions on the different pictures and articles. It’s nice to get what you want to say out there. I’d like to do “what would you do if…” questions. They’re great fodder for writing short stories, and really get me to think. The part about blogs being fun educational is true, yes. But sometimes it can be little bit tedious. I blame this entirely on the fact that I have a short attention span, especially when it comes to writing down my thoughts. I can rant about so many things, yet others it’s just…yeah, not much else to say on that subject, moving on to this amazing fish in my ear that translates things for me….I think having a fish living in your ear, that knows all languages would be kind of fun once you get used to actually having a fish in your ear. That may or may not sound odd, but whatever.


Ever since last year, I have been writing blogs for Mrs. G in her English class. We will go over into the computer lab, or use these new fancy laptops like we are today, to log onto our own BlogSpot account, and write about basically what Mrs. G tells us to. I like blogging because it is a new way to do writing, rather than just taking paper and pencil, and sitting there in the classroom writing. I think this way is more technological, and overall that is better for our generation, because we will be the ones who will advance in technology, so we should become normal to computers and such at an early age. Blogging I’d say is also is more eco-friendly, because it doesn’t use paper and general school supplies. The blogging is easy, helps me type better and faster, and is a good way to express thoughts and ideas as English teachers want us to. I like the fact that we can all see everyone else’s blogs on the site. I like to see how other people respond to the questions Mrs. G posts for us. The questions differ each time and usually have something to do with the stuff we are learning in class. Or they can be quite fictitious and those questions are always fun to answer because they let your mind wander around to find answers in another mindset.
I think that blogging is whole lot better then responses and writing annoying long essays. I like to answer the questions that don’t require a lot of thinking and uses more imagination. Reading what others write is ehh since I don’t go on the blog like a billion times a day to check it out. I don’t care if people read my blog because I highly doubt that people actually look at the blog in their free time.
The blogs i think are very fun and exicting there is nothing else i look forward to doing. there is so many things that i woulden't do just because i want to blog i would rather blog then do any other fun activitys. bloging is my life....

What I think about Blogging!

What do I think about blogging? Since we started blogging freshman year, I really liked it. Some of the questions I didnt really like, but other than that I really enjoyed it. My favorite question from last year would have to be if I was a mythical creature, what would I be? Im not sure why I like blogging so much, but one thing I really like about blogging is reading other peoples responses to the questions.

Well I guess thats it for now because mrs. g said we have to finish up (and I cant think of anything to write :P)


what do you think about blogging?

I have liked blogging so far this year. I like going to the computer lab and using the computers. But now that we have these laptops its even better.I like anwsering questions that have simple and short anwsers. Most of the time i actually have to sit here staring at the computer, thinking of what i should write. I dont like anwsering questions about the world or anything like that. Mostly just opinion questions and easy stuff like this blog. I never read what anyone else says on the blogs. The are way to many to read anyway. I dont know if some of my classmates read my posts or not. But i hate it when other people read my writing.