Friday, November 13, 2009


I love waking up to the smell of turkey on thanksgiving morning. Or seeing my family all together for the first time I'm awhile. Everyone seems so happy to be with each other, or maybe it's just because they get to feast! I rarely see my family so it's great when I get to hangout with my cousins. The food is absolutely amazing! Turkey, Mashed potatoes, Corn, and a lot more other good foods. My favorite part is when I get to line up and pile all the delicious foods on my plate. But, this thanksgiving I won't be doing any piling on my plate. It's not the greatest idea to feast the day before you go back to basketball practice. The day after we do an extreme amount of running. Now, I'm not complaining about running. I love running, but not the day after thanksgiving or Christmas. Basketball is a fun sport, but when you have to run four quarters, or 11 seconds down an back after eating A LOT you'll be hurting. So, this thanksgiving when people all around the U.S. are feasting I'll be sitting home eating one piece of turkey and no pie.

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