Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What's your business?

I noticed recently in the news a disturbing trend or maybe it's just that few stories have recently made headlines...but it seems that people are sitting back and allowing bad things to happen. Bystanders are doing nothing when really, really bad people are doing bad things to other people. In CA a young girl was gang raped and there was a group of bystanders who watched as she was beaten and a high school dance. There was also a story of a young boy who was lit on fire because he owed money.

In the book Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, Clarisse discusses with Montag how desensitized young people have become, how the race cars with total disregard for others, kill one another etc.

Is what Bradbury wrote about happening? What is our responsibility toward one another? Should we be 'our brother's keeper'? Should we take care of one another, even people we don't personally know? Should we get involved in other people's business? Why don't we? Have you ever stepped in the middle of some injustice you saw happening? Have you ever spoken up for a group of people you may not belong to, but felt were injuriously being maligned? How do you feel when you speak up for someone? How do you feel when you don't? What injustice gets you riled? If you don't have a personal experience to recall, can you think of a movie, song, news event where someone stood up against others, became more than a bystander to an injustice witnessed and became a person of action?

Be sure to write this in word, save it to your file, post and check to make sure it posted.

Enjoy your weekend.


  1. I think this is totally true.People These days are letting their kids do whatever they want, because they dont listen or dont want to deal with them.Kids theses day are getting more and more influenced by bad things...there is just nothin we can do about this.everytime i wsalk down the street in troy with my sister i see poeple smokin weed or drinking.i once saw this kid start to beat his dog because it wasnt listening..

  2. Josh
    I think that people today are becoming more like Fahrnheit 451. Not the book burning part(even if I want to burn books)but more of the why should I help them. There are people that still care but more and more people are starting not to care.
