Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Short Stories and NaNo/GaNo

I personally like short stories. They usually have fun themes and dont take forever to read. Like ''the most dangerous game'' and ''the lady or the tiger''. These short stories have fun plots and are suspensful. My idea of a good short story is one that is easy to understand. For example, the ''lady or the tiger'' was easy to understand becuase it deals with decision making which we all have to do. But at the same time it is suspensful becuase you do dont know what the decision will be. Will he choose the door with the lady behind it and live happily ever after ?Or will he choose the door with the tiger and have a sudden death? No one knows because the author leaves us to choose. In ''the most dangerous game'' the author has an idea and takes it to the extreme. Like hunting game. Instead of hunting animals which are apperently too easy to hunt, they hunt people. This idea is interesting and extreme enough to keep the reader interested.
At this point i am not interested in Nano/Gano becuase i dont have time to write that many words. or to even attempt it. I would rather just do the written assignments assigned in class

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