Friday, November 6, 2009

I know I’m a NaNo kid, but I wanted to write this blog anyways.

I believe that if we see someone being treated unfairly, even if it’s not being beaten, but just teased, you should help them. I guess you could call me a humanitarian. I don’t care what you being put down, shoved into a wall, teased. And I always want to do something about it. But I’m not sure what I can do, until later, then I have so many “I could have done this, said this” thoughts, I feel sick with guilt. It might be because I used to be one of the kids who was teased a lot in elementary and middle school, who didn’t have many friends, or was friends with the more outspoken weirdoes. No one really stood up for us.

That doesn’t mean you should never get involved, it means you should be more conscientious about what’s happening to others, good or bad. We don’t get involved, I think, because we think something bad will happen to us too. Stand up to a bully, get teased and pushed around your self. It’s sad that we think like this. Admit it, we do. We all do. It scares that this is a world where kids, adults, are blurring that line between moral, and immoral, right and wrong, more so than it used to be. Some people think that it is okay not to do anything…at all in some cases, because this is what they see in the media, and around them. Maybe you just can’t stand this kid that’s being picked on, maybe you laugh at him with your ‘friends’, but don’t you feel like slime on the inside, like you’ve done something wrong? Just a little bit? What if you don’t? Are you going to teach your children that it’s okay to pick on people, or not care if there is something wrong with the world as a whole?

I’m not saying everyone is an asshole, here. There are lots of people who are good, honest people, innocent bystanders, and those who do stand up for others. But what if those bystanders don’t do anything when they see injustice? Are they still innocent? That’s not really for me to decide though.

--keep writing, keep reading, keep watching
Emily Long

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